"It is only after we lose everything, that we are free to do anything"

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Somewhere over that rainbow

I get called a few immasculine things from time to time. Corny, girly, wimpy and not manly enough among others. I guess I am a few of these things, but I feel no shame for it. It is simply who I am and I doubt that's going to change anytime soon. I like to believe its possible for the world to be a better place. Obviously nothing is ever going to be perfect, and it'll take a hell of a long time before things even tick over to good, but things don't always have to be so bad. I'm never quite sure if I'll ever manage to make a difference, but there are people out there who will if given the chance. Everyone doing their little bit matters. Take someone of opposing views of you out to lunch; have a talk, get to know them as a person. Have a bit of a walk outside your comfort zone. Push yourself. It only takes a little effort to make a change.

The song won't embed, but it's gorgeous.

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