"It is only after we lose everything, that we are free to do anything"

Thursday, January 20, 2011


So, there are only two weeks of holidays left. Looking back on my list of things to do I think I'm doing alright so far, but I'll evaluate that right at the finish. For now I think its time to start setting my goals for the rest of the year. Whenever I undertake something like this, I always feel a real internal struggle. There's the perfectionist in me who desires all my goals to be academically related, or at least to something with a scored value. There's also the dreamer who wants to unravel the mysteries of the universe, and look into the more spiritual side of life. Because of this, it can be hard to set out some hard goals, though I usually manage to find a good balance. And with that said, I guess that's what the theme for this year is going to be. Balance. Let's get to it.
School. Ah yes, the final year. The culmination of all we've been taught and all the skills we've learnt over the years. My goals for this year, regarding school are a bit varied, but being the nerd I am, I'll start with the academics. I would love to get an ATAR of 95+ and I think this is quite possible if I keep up the study this year. I'm hoping for 90's in history, english and flight, and 80's for physics and maths. If I manage to get all of that, I'm going to be pretty freakin happy. It's going to be a hard slog though, and no doubt my lunchtimes and afternoons will be filled with all kinds of lectures and extra little tid bits to keep me on my game. But hey, you gotta give a little to get a little. My second goal for school, which I must say I am a bit apprehensive and excited about is to get a few charities running. The two that I'm going for so far are 'Triangles for Truth' which is a student run organisation to help stop genocide, and the stem cell research foundation. With a few talks to teachers, and maybe an assembly speech I think these should be underway and in full swing a few weeks into the term, provided they gather sufficient student support. Oh well, just have to wait and see with that one.
Defence. The next big road block, or perhaps the biggest road block of all to extend the metaphor. This year two stages remain in my Defence application. My interview (on Tuesday) and my flight screening (probs around July). After that I simply need to wait for an offer from a service and apply for ADFA from the university end. Everything's going well so far and there hasn't been any major kerfuffles. All I need to do is keep up my academics, witty charm, and fitness (which gives me a nice lead in to my next topic).
Apparently one of the the most popular new years resolutions was to get fit this year. Though it wasn't my resolution (I'll get to that in a bit) getting fit is still a high priority. So far it's been going pretty well this month, I've got a decent routine worked out and though I stray here and there every now and then its working pretty well. I'm feeling better, and I'm finding the exercises easier, so thats a plus. All I need to do is keep it up for the year, and I should be fine. Not too much for to say for that really. So with the perfectionist now happy and my quantitative goals set, its time to give the dreamer a little bit of writing space and talk about my resolutions.
Last year was very different for me than any other year of schooling I'd had. I changed schools for the first time (which really wasn't a drama) and I got to meet a lot of new people. I learnt many things about people, the world, and most importantly myself. I had come to Tuggeranong a bratty teen, thinking I knew it all, but I couldn't have been more ignorant. I was brought from a closed off stale world into into a place budding with fresh ideas and concepts, and I loved it. It may seem as if I've changed a bit from who I was when I left Trinity, but I think its more I'm becoming who I've always wanted to be. And that draws me to my resolution. Last year I found out the kind of person I want to be. This year, I'm going to become the person I want to be. I want to have a purpose to every moment; whether it be studying, chillin with my friends or just doing nothing at all. It may be slow, but I'm going to be the best person I can be. And that's my goal. To be the person I wan to be, and to be the best I can be. Yes, as always its corny, but that's just me, and I'm damn proud of that (again with the corn). So congratulations if you managed to struggle through that, I'm surprised that you held out this long. If you didn't, its cool, I probably still love you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm fully in support of any charity thingies. If you need help, just ask.
