"It is only after we lose everything, that we are free to do anything"

Sunday, January 16, 2011

One week

There is but one week until the next stage of my Defence application, and I'm feeling a little nervous. In times like these i usually like to talk to people, but seeing I have stuff i need to do and most people are still asleep at half nine I figure blogging should also do the trick. Also I've been tellin a lot of you I've been studying, so i figure i'll show you what i've had to study. So this time I'm doing the whole proper interview. I've passed all my maths tests and what not, so now I just need to be able to talk and remember stuff. Usually I'm alright at that, so it shouldn't be too bad. I have however, never had a for real job interview before so I'm not entirely sure what kind of environment its gonna be. My suits all ready to go, and all I need to complete the picture is the lovely longines that usually inhabits Joel's wrist. The only thing that has me a little worried is the stuff i need to remember. I got a packet of information stating the following:
  1. Do I really want to be an airman?
  2. Why do I want to be an airman?
  3. Do I have the right achademic qualifications?
  4. Do I know the role and can i cope with the responsibilites?
  5. Do I know the training process?
  6. How much do I know about military life in general?
  7. How will my lifestyle be affected by joining Defence?
  8. Do I understand the enlistment conditions of service?
  9. What does my family think about my application?
  10. Can I offer unrestricted service?
  11. Where and how long is your initial military training (IMT)?
  12. What will you learnt at officer training and what will your environment be like?
  13. Where and how long is your initial employment training?
  14. What type of equipment might you use?
  15. How long will you enlist for?
  16. Where are the military bases that you may be posted to after training?
  17. What mustering/specialization will you belong to?
  18. What are the main functions of the role you are applying for? how is the combat role related to this?
  19. What are the potential operating environments for your job role?
  20. What are the employment conditions for this job role - positive and negative?
  21. What are the pay entitlements for IMT/IET and once fully qualified?
  22. What is the ADF policy on non-medical use of drugs
  23. What will service life be like?
  24. What is the pre enlistment fitness assessment?
So yeah, there's a lot of stuff I have to know. It also states that these questions are the minimum standard of knowledge. eep. I've got a little work book that I've been writing down my information in to study and I think its working pretty well. Just so y'all know basically I'll be shuttin down for about a week until this is done, because i really want to nail it. Sorry if this was convoluted/pointless/hard to understand, but i am nervous, and as such my abilities suffer.

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