"It is only after we lose everything, that we are free to do anything"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Something I truly despise

The importance placed on someone's body image these days is disgusting. I can barely express how sick I am with all these secrets everywhere to 'bulk up fast' or 'lose all that weight in 2 weeks'. The market's even been cornered on nice guys promising 'no more of those lies, this is simple natural exercise'. So many toned bodies are plastered everywhere, and if you're the slightest bit different, you're doing something wrong. And what's the point to all this bulk? To help get attractive women with presumably equally hollow lives. The funny thing is though, is that when you look around, how many people really look like the guys and gals from the posters? Sure, there's a few here and there who are just naturally fine, but the majority of people are just normal dudes like everyone else. We've all had the wool pulled over our eyes that everyone but us is packing a six pack. To be perfectly honest, I don't want arms like an 'anaconda that's swallowed a pig'. I wouldn't mind a bit more muscle there, but I don't want to be bursting out of my t-shirt.
When I was really young (like 6) i used to be a skinny little dude. Then for whatever reason, i started packing on the kilo's. By year 5 or so i was pretty damn fat, and in hindsight I am now referred to as 'fat David' when looking back on those times. Luckily I outgrew a lot of it, and did a LOT of running for a while, but I've still always been pretty biggish. You know, I am working towards the body that I want, but thats exactly the thing. It's what I want. Not what I'm told the world wants me to want. Screw your protein shakes and fitness magazines. I will achieve my goals, but not on your terms. I don't need some ipod to track my runs, I don't need the special shoes that are crafted perfectly by hand. Least of all I need your constant propaganda rammed down my throat, when it's not even true. Fuck you body image. FUCK YOU. I can do this on my own.