"It is only after we lose everything, that we are free to do anything"

Monday, September 13, 2010


So, after finishing my maths exam I now only have Physics and flight to go, for which i should be studying right now. Despite my desperate need for study, I think every once in a while you just need to have a bit of a chill out, and have a look at how important all this stuff is. It's way to easy to get caught up in things (for me at least) and giving them a way higher priority than they need. I think last weekend was the perfect example. The one weekend I really need to study, and its the nicest couple of days in months. Sure, I could have studied a little more and gotten a few more marks in maths, but despite how much I plan for the future, its important to live in the moment as well. Every now and then, throughout my study I decided to go outside everyone once in a while to clear my head. I'd play with the cat, read, or just sit in the sun. All those little things that make life worth living. I guess the point is that people get themselves too worked up over things that don't matter these days, and its important to have a little time out once in a while. We spend so much time worrying about things in life we can miss the tiniest things that make it worth our time.
Ironically after writing all of that I have to return to study, but it was nice to blow off a little steam.

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