"It is only after we lose everything, that we are free to do anything"

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Meaningless relics

Men are raised, and have been raised, the same for many generations. We are taught to be strong and absent of fear. We are taught women are objects, particularly sexual objects, and they are good for nothing more. We are taught gays are evil and deserve to be treated without compassion. Throughout our youth we are pressed to achieve physically, and failing this, we are berated by comments such as being called a girl. But we could not have it more wrong. The illusion of manliness is a relic from an uneducated time. I feel emotion. I cry. I bleed. Just like everyone else. I do want girls who are just my friends. But as soon as we try to test these boundaries, to search for freedom, we are beaten until we once again conform with the standard. I mean lets be honest, there's plenty good about being a man, but there are some truly wrong things as well. A courageous man once stated, to a group of women at a womens rights convention "My liberation as a man, is directly related to your liberation as a woman." So few can see we are all in this together. Man, woman, it matters not. We are all people. I can take no more of the restraints that constrict me.

Where most people go wrong here is that they get too tied to the things they believe. Extreme feminists are an example of this, taking their ideals beyond the rational. Almost reflecting this, many men are no better. With the 'liberation' of women throughout the passed centuries many women have been brought to an equal plain with men. Trust me when I say I could not be happier about this. But as extremists from both sides emerge, we forget that there should be no real conflict in the first place. Its only the people in the extremes that make us think what we do.

Sure, I guess in some ways I am 'a man'. I like my sports, action movies, i'm joining the military, I am attracted to women. I am also however, quite 'a girl' in many respects. I like chick flicks, i believe in love, i sob, i love to gossip, i feel the need to nurture children. As demonstrated I, and I know many others, hold characteristics from both the 'man' and the 'girl' piles. Doesn't this in itself show that these terms are meaningless? That we have outgrown these childish praises and insults. I know I may say 'I'm the man' or call you 'woman'. But I never mean it, I only joke.

The disturbing thing is, had I not possessed any of these 'girly' traits, I would not be changed in my views of this topic in the slightest. Left to my own devices I would have blundered about about in the dark, not knowing the errors of my ways. Surely then, the only way to bring about this knowledge in vast numbers is through education. Children must be taught the right ways to act. No more fearlessness. No more objectification. We cannot rely on men simply coming to these conclusions of their own accord. We need to act and educate the children of today to ensure a free future for men and women.

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