He has the link to the original.
You say that flesh has memory, though I would say this is simply a learnt response due to our bodies complex nervous system, stemming from the brain. Cut off your hands, and they will on their own obviously be unable to sculpt. As for your proposed replacement of hands, your body in time could gain back your lost dexterity, and potentially surpass it depending on the condition of the hands. It is simply a matter of how long it takes the join to heal and nerves to connect.
I would not though, go as so far as to a person is totally encased in their brain. Though a persons thoughts and ideas stem from the brain, these ideas are created from what we see, hear, feel, taste and smell, all functions of the 'shell'. Replace someones brain in a different body, and slowly they will become a different person as their reality is altered by the new shell's sensory perception. This could lead to the argument of devices such as prosthetic limbs and organ transplants, altering a shell's perception which I believe they may very well do.
Your example of brain transplants simple exhibits the thought that as our shells change, so do our selfs. I believe this is true, and is constantly happening on a small scale. Puberty is an excellent natural example of us. Our bodies change which leads to a change in our minds and potential views on the world. Even outside stimuli could provoke a change in ourselves, for example a strong piece of text evoking an emotional response, that could lead to ideas being formed. This leads to the conclusion that though our brain controls our movements and thoughts, the way it decides upon these is based on how we interpret our reality. The self and the shell are intrinsically linked.
Though this has been slightly off topic, I hope my point is clear.
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