Love. A subject I hold very close to my heart. I do believe in it, but the older i get I kind of stop believing in love as its portrayed in the movies. We spend our whole life waiting for mr/mrs right, and when we find them everything's perfect and we live happily ever after? Honestly, I think thats a load or garbage. To me, love isn't finding someone perfect, its finding someone you're willing to go the distance with. Those special people that, no matter what they do or whatever they get themselves into, you'll always be there for them. Someone you can argue with. Someone who might even make you rip out your hair at times but when it comes down to it, neither of you want the other to leave. The thing is, when i think about it, I think i'd actually prefer to have someone with that kind of connection then rather just live perfectly forever. So many people I see sitting around waiting for a time where they'll let love happen or waiting for the person who will be just right. But I mean we're all just people. None of us are born superior to any other (of course in social and economic terms this isn't accurate but you get my point) yet we wait around for that someone to walk around the corner. We all have our weird little things we do. We all have secrets we never tell. We all wear masks from time to time. Whats to say they're going to be different? Over time, society has just heightened and heightened our expectations to unrealistic proportions. I mean sure, a relationship takes effort, but with the level of perfection needed from a partner these days its more like work rather than a real relationship. I still have dreams. I am not unlike everyone with their visions of a perfect life, its just a little different.
I want to live in a bare house and buy our furniture piece by piece.
I want to have a garden where i can grow fruits and vegetables, and just lie in the grass.
I want road trips to the beach where because of all the stuff that happened, we only get to stay a few hours, but its worth it just to have them there.
I want to make them feel safe.
I want someone to hold on cold nights.
I want them to be cool with my friends.
I want to have stupid arguments over nothing.
But for now they're just dreams. Who knows, someday they may come true. But i doubt it, I doubt i'll even remember them when it happens.
Well that was nonsensical
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