Its not that i don't enjoy how things are going at the moment, in fact they're going rather well and i'm pretty happy. But as always holidays are gonna give me a lot of free time and with job prospects not looking amazing, i figure I'm going to try to a bit more community and personal stuff with my time. Pretty sure its time to start planning these things now, seeing as the next four weeks will go nice and quick, and when the holidays start i'll have to go from nothing. So here we go.
I WILL get fit these holidays. Yes, I say this every set of holidays but i figure a good couple of months will be enough to actually make a difference. I already have my plan down, so its just a matter of sticking to it. Again, this still hasn't always led to success in the past but a few summers ago I started my running and I really got into that, so there's not reason I shouldn't go for it again. I'll probably try to gym a little more though or at least do some weights at home. I mean running gets rid of a gut and gets you fit, but it doesn't really do much tonal stuff, especially upper body wise. So thats that sorted.
I'm going to try to get some different types of volunteer work going. I've already put in an application for good old Vinnies, which will hopefully come through. I was trying to avoid being corny, but i really am doing it for the whole 'giving back to the community' thing. Another place I'd really love to do stuff with if possible is some child care place. I just did my storytelling today and little kids are the best things ever. They're just so pure and tell it as it is. Such brilliant little darlings. But I'm really not sure if i'll be able to get in, being under 18 and what not, and not having any kind of first aid training. Though even if i can start the steps to getting there it can't hurt, its all working towards something I want to do which makes it worth it.
I'm going to start reading a bit more. There are so many books I'd love to read, and ones people tell me I should but i never seem to have the time to sit down and read them. Some people are cool with things like that, but I really do love having a good read and i miss it a lot of the time. I reckon if I'm a lot more conscious about wanting to read, i'll be able to think of times to read, and then when i get into a bit of a groove it'll all be sweet. The only thing yet to work out is my reading list. I swear, I will not cave to the 'summer reading list' thing of making yourself read books over the holidays. I am only reading because i love it. I'll just take it as it comes, and read whats good.
I will ace my Defence interview. A pretty big day, but i think i'll be fine. I know all the stuff I have to do to prepare for it, so its just a matter of studying up and knowing why i'm doing it. Don't really have that much say to say on this one. All that there really is to say is that its gonna be a good bit of work, but I know i can get there.
I want to have more experiences in life. I've already a skydiving thing booked as a Christmas present (OMG WOO!) but I'd really love to get out, do some worldly things for lack of a better phrase. A road trip would be brilliant, but i'm not going to hold my hopes too high for that one haha. A day trip though, is highly possible. Even just hanging with my friends and having some crazy fun would be awesome.
I would really love to do some flying in the holidays, because i mean that just brings it all together for me. Some lessons would be the most fantastic thing ever. Yeah haha.
The last, but I think very important point is that I also want a day or two here and there where i can just sit around and do nothing. Enjoying things just as they are in all their beauty. Having a good old think while lying on the lovely green grass, what could be better?
So there we go. Not my most poetic of posts but it does feel good to get it out there. So from looking back over it, I've set myself up a pretty packed holidays, but if all goes to plan, it'll be so worth it. Cheers to who ever actually bothered to read the whole thing lol