So, its been a while since I've had moderately meaningful blog post, or even one with some insight for that matter. I'm actually starting to worry, that the more maths, physics and generally nerd related things i undertake, my creativity and spontaneity wanes. I mean I've always had this feeling that I'd always have to choose either my nerdy smart path, or my creative path, but it seems the time is almost upon me. I'm doing pretty much all i can think of to balance all this out, but it really does concern me that I may lose a part of me that will take quite a while to find again. Even while writing this now i'm not making as much sense as I normally would. Things may pick up again, when i start doing some more creative pieces towards the end of term but for now I'm just kind of wondering how things will pan out.
Even if i do manage to keep my creativity going, if i get to ADFA i have no idea whats going to happen to it then. Maybe i'm just destined to have my view slowly narrowed down until only logical straight forward David exists, but honestly i think that would really suck.
One of the things i value most in my life is my creativity and critical thinking capacity, and it would really be grand to retain them. Ironically with all that said I have to go do some maths, but oh well, guess i'll just have to take things one step at a time.
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