So today in some free time I had I decided to do some reading. Every Monday I have 45 minutes free from 2:15 to 3:00 and I have developed the comfortable habit of sitting in the common room and reading the Great Gatsby. Some of you may have read it, if not I highly recommend it. I do cherish my time I have to read it, as I rarely seem to find time at home to do so. Today while reading, a friend (or close enough to one) walks by. He walks up to me and asks me how i'm doing. I say I'm doing fine and am enjoying my reading. He says sweet. Not being the most truant lad I know, I had suspicions that he may have been skipping whatever class he was probably meant to be in. He said he was, it was maths.
Strike 1.
I implored him to return to class, though he seemed perfectly happy wasting his life away with no intellectual stimulation what so ever. As though determined to prove this point to me, he then struck up a conversation about the song he was currently listening to on his very new iphone 4. It was called "fuck shit stack". Initially I thought I had misheard him when he told me the title, so being intrigued as to what the song was actually about I agreed to listen and watch the video. I had heard right. I then preceded to sit through four and a half minutes of a man literally swearing to a beat. Total, nonsensical swearing. The chorus I believe was "Fuck and shit and fuck and shit, it's a fuck shit stack! A fuck shit stack!". He laughed merrily as I watched this grotesque and obscene piece of 'music', and I use the word lightly. I asked him if he genuinely found it funny. He said he thought it had a good beat, and was catchy.
Strike 2.
After the song had finished we then continued to have our non-conversation so he could waste time and avoid returning to class, if he had even gone in the first place. Thoroughly bored, offended and to an extent sickened. He talked to me about some other music he liked and I pretended to listen. It's not as if he even cares about my opinion on things anyway. A few minutes had passed when he then began to complain about how he could no longer remember his mothers credit card details. Hence, he could no longer steal money from her electronically to pay for music without her knowing. Stealing from your mother.
Strike 3.
At this point I became incensed. I may have appeared calm on the outside but there is nothing I wanted to do more than hold you up against that brick wall, and punch you time and time again yelling "you are the downfall of human society you pathetic goon!". I wanted to see you cower, and get some real perspective. See the fear in your eyes. My well of pity has run dry, and when I bear my full force down upon you cry for a god you barely ever thought existed. You obscene, empty, stealing piece of filth. If you ever talk to me again like that I will beat you senseless.
Thanks beachball, you almost broke my faith in people.